Build corporate security on well-prepared equipment

Control - ServiceNewsBuild corporate security on well-prepared equipment



In a dynamic industrial environment, the soundness and safety of a company today is also determined by the proper management of electrical equipment. It is their preparedness that determines whether the entire infrastructure will operate optimally and without the risk of unexpected failure and costly downtime. Organisations gain the necessary knowledge and certainty about the equipment being put into service through drive tests on engine test stand.



Frequency converters are an integral part of many drive systems and require a special approach. If they are being stored or repaired for long periods of time, their installation at their final location should be preceded by testing. That is why, at Control-Service, we have developed a 45 kW engine test stand, one of the largest in Poland, which allows comprehensive testing of equipment before it is returned to the production line.

Why does it make sense to test inverters on an engine test stand?

Testing converters on an engine test stand is a way of identifying potential problems that could compromise the reliability and safety of the whole system. Why is this so important? For several reasons.

Tests identify overloads, electromagnetic interference or cases of overheating. Their detection at this stage opens up the opportunity to take action to prevent potential failures and therefore downtime for subsequent repairs.

The use of a engine test stand also makes it possible to standardise the testing process. Through regular and defined diagnostic procedures, the company obtains reproducible results, as well as information about potential risks. This, in turn, influences the safety of the organisation and facilitates further technical reviews and machine audits.

Testing on engine test stand also helps to ensure compliance with current industry standards and regulations for electrical safety and electromagnetic emissions. Adherence to strict standards is essential to ensure the safe operation of equipment.

Converter well-prepared for operation

Today, frequency converters are of great importance to companies in various industries. They are used in food processing plants as well as those operating in the heavy industry sector. With the right preparation, they not only avoid potential failures that could lead to significant financial losses and production downtime, but also contribute to the safety of both the personnel working with the equipment and the entire electrical system.

The benefits that testing can bring are best demonstrated by the example of a steel manufacturer who approached Control-Service for assistance in servicing drives. – Using our engine test stand, we were able to identify drives with heavily worn fans and dried-out thermal paste. These problems were not visible at first glance, but could result in overheating of the drives and, consequently, in their failure,” explains Krzysztof Paliś, head of the service department at Control-Service.

Thanks to the tests, it was possible to identify them earlier and carry out repairs that prevented severe outages in the weeks and months to come.

Practical know-how from the engine test stand

It is worth emphasising that testing converters on an engine test stand is not only used to detect problems, but also to assess performance and efficiency. Frequency converters provide precise control of the speed and torque of electric motors, which is crucial in terms of optimising energy consumption and equipment durability. The tests verify that the inverters are able to deliver the right performance, resulting in energy savings and longer equipment life.

At the same time, the use of engine test stands is part of the policy of preventive regeneration of converters. By replacing worn electrolytic capacitors and other elements, it is possible to prolong their correct functioning time. Many converters are equipped with IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) modules or rectifier modules, which are key elements in the voltage and frequency conversion process. Their failure can lead to serious problems in the drive system. By performing tests on engine test stand and regeneration, such damage can be avoided, resulting in greater safety and increased equipment reliability.

Tests on engine test stand mean savings

The benefits of thorough converter testing go hand in hand with savings. While they may seem costly at first, in the long run they avoid much higher expenses related to production downtime, emergency repairs and loss of equipment performance. Companies that invest in testing on engine test stand therefore actually experience savings. They also undoubtedly build their reputation and effectively increase their competitiveness.

At Control-Service, we have built an engine test stand to provide our customers with the confidence that the equipment they receive from us is fully prepared for long-term operation. We approach the subject of converter testing with full commitment. The 45 kW facility we have built allows us to carry out comprehensive verifications that include not only problem detection, but also performance and efficiency assessments. All this so that companies can obtain confirmation that the installed converter will not only operate correctly, but also efficiently and safely. – Our engine test stand generates a load that mimics real operating conditions. This allows us to examine exactly how the unit will behave during normal operation. Such tests are the only guarantee of safety compared to a cursory inspection,’ notes Krzysztof Paliś.


Building business reliability

At Control-Service, we have been taking care of the ergonomics of our customers’ plants for more than two decades. Based on many years of experience, we can write that concern for the quality and safety of the equipment in the drive system is a secure investment in the stability and competitiveness of the company. Tests on engine test stand are a key element in the process of preparing converters for operation, both after repair and long-term storage. They avoid potential problems and increase reliability, which results in savings for the company, more efficient processes and the completion of tasks in a greener way.

This is how tests on engine test stand help achieve the highest standards of safety and efficiency in the production process. However, they are not the only way in which, at Control-Service, we respond to the needs of customers who are thinking about upgrading their plants and improving their operations. We carry out a DrivePro Site Assessment risk evaluation audit, on the basis of which the company can equip itself with replacements and parts in good time and carry out the necessary repairs. We implement a special ‘Exchange to new’ programme, enabling the replacement of old drives with the latest generation models while maintaining the existing functionality of the entire system. We have more than eighty models with a wide power range of 0.37 to 250 kW in our converter rental service, which can be used for infrastructure testing and as a temporary solution during a sudden breakdown. To ensure the highest quality of support, we have implemented a remote support service that includes drive commissioning, parameterisation, device diagnostics and simple repairs. Finally, as a long-standing and trusted Danfoss partner, we organise training courses on programming and operating frequency converters. Participation in these enables employees to gain practical skills and learn about the latest technology.



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