We carry out audits and implement solutions which improve the functionality of production systems and reduce production costs, i.a. by reducing energy consumption.

We provide comprehensive solutions adjusted to the individual requirements of our clients. We use analytical tools to pinpoint the areas where drive automation is cost-effective. We provide our clients with an opportunity to rent the converters and to test in practice if our calculations are correct and the changes offered are truly profitable. Finally, we implement production automation solutions improving company competitiveness and influencing its further development.
As a part of energy saving activities we undertake:
- to carry out an audit and identify areas for potential modernisation to generate savings.
- to present the concept of new solution implementation along with an estimate and calculations of the savings achieved as well as the estimated time needed for the return of the investment.
- to check theoretical calculations in practice by carrying out tests using frequency converters from our rental option (power range 0.37-250 kW).
- to gather the results of measurements and to present them to the investor along with the final calculated time needed for the return of the investment.
- comprehensive project implementation.